Hydratec Inc.

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Security and Licensing All products (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Error Type: Error 99


Error 99.  Hydratec Security Versioning Error.   You do not have access to this version of this product.



False Versioning Error with Hardware Lock.  Lock detected by Superpro system but superpro drivers or lock corrupt.  Other details unable to be read while attempting to open: <Product Name> (Ver <Ver Number>)


-Either your hardware lock was pulled out or it's driver's failed half way through a versioning check.


-If you unplugged your hardware lock, then :

        -Close all Hydratec Products.

        -Download and install the HydraVersion Install. https://hydrakey-public.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/HydraVERSION+Install.exe

        -Plug in your hardware lock.

        -Reopen the program.

-If your hardware lock is plugged in and you're getting this then your drivers are corrupt.   Contact Hydratec to replace your hardware lock with a Long Term Authorization.



You are not authorized to use this version of your software for one of 3 reasons:

1.) You need to buy an upgrade to be authorized.

2.) You have just purchased this version and your local files don't yet reflect this.

3.) You are missing important versioning files from your machine,


NOTE: If your error ends in a 385, your local files do not have you in them.  If your error ends in a 386, you are missing the needed versioning file for this product.  The fix in either case is the same.


1.) Close all Hydratec Products.

2.)  If you don't have HydraKey, Download it from here and install it:

3.) Open Hydrakey and hit the "Update Version Permissions" button:

4.) Save the file locally:

5.)  Go to the folder where your browser saved the file:


6.) Right-Click the Hydraversion+Install.exe file and "Run As Administrator"

7.) Hit next next next throught the install and let it have a few minutes to install.

8.) You can now open your Hydratec product.  You should be able to get into any version you are entitled to now.


If the middle number is "99" (as found in 06697-99-385 above), then your local authorization is not in sync with the server.


1.) Close all Hydratec Products.

2.)  If you don't have HydraKey, Download it from here and install it:

3.) Open Hydrakey and hit the "Renew Authorization" button:
4.) After Receiving a success message, You can now open your Hydratec Software.


Updated: Jan. 3, 2024, 11:45 a.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight