Hydratec Inc.

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AutoCAD Based HydraCALC (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Window Function: Maximize


no error Minimize the HYD screen then try to restore and the data input sheet is missing. restore maximize grid Minimize



hyduseropt.dat file corrupted when the program is closed in a minimized state from the task bar. 2 solutions - if first one doesnt work try the second


#1) Rt click the hydraulic data tab from the task bar and pick restore. -Rt click the hydraulic data tab from the task bar and pick Maximize - Close Hyd screen with X in corner - Reopen hydraulics. or #2) In windows explorer go to... C:\HES\HydraCALC\VER50\Data\Setup -double click the file "HydUserOpt.dat" (this should open Notepad, if asked use notepad) -Verify the settings shown here. -Edit the file so the values are the same as these shown. (not all the lines in the file are shown here). WindowState=2 WindowSateSaveOpt=False WindowTop=-60 WindowLeft=-60 WindowHeight=9315 WindowWidth=13095 Save the file Reopen hydraulics

Updated: Sept. 26, 2022, 11:17 a.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight