Hydratec Inc.

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AutoCAD Based Launching HydraCAD (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)


any command involving lisp routines takes FOREVER. Adding a head, cut in a tee etc. The issue is drawing specific. add head, cut in tee newer update?



any command involving lisp routines takes FOREVER. Adding a head, cut in a tee etc. The issue is drawing specific.


I discovered that the point of slowdown was where the beginning and ending points for the "UNDO" command were being set. I did some further research and discovered that this issue is fairly well documented and goes back to version 2007 or earlier. The fun part is fixing it. As crazy as it sounds, the solution lies in the plotter configurations. The short and simple fix is to eliminate any old or invalid plotters and plot styles. In my case, I simply created a new folder and put the company plot style file in it and referenced it in my Plot Style Search Path. Problem solved immediately.

Updated: April 1, 2024, 12:13 p.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight