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AutoCAD Based Calculations (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)
A non HydraCAD REFPT block was inserted into the drawing. Most likely a SprinkCAD version is in there. Hcad_refpts HydraCAD v52+
A non HydraCAD REFPT block was inserted into the drawing. Most likely a SprinkCAD version is in there.
1. Erase all the REFPT blocks from the drawing by using the EBB (Erase-by-block) command. 2. Purge the block REFPT from the drawing by using the PURGE command. 3. In the menu Tools|Options, go to the Files tab and select the Support File Search Path. Move the Hydratec folder (C:\HES) up in the list so it appears above SprinkCAD. Use the buttons on the right side to adjust the locations. GAB 9/11/14