Hydratec Inc.

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AutoCAD Based Calculations (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Start Autocalcs


x Zero length pipes found in system model YES will cancel... No will allow...



A pipe or vertical pipe on the drawing has its length set to 0-0


1. Cancel the calc process, get back to a command prompt in Acad.

2. Type SME to pull up the error list, fix as necessary. *However, this may not report the location of the error.*

3. To find PIPES with a 0-0 length, type FIND, search for 0-0 and make sure to list results. Find the pipe with the 0-0 length and fix it.

4. To find VERTICAL PIPES with a 0-0 length,

• select/highlight any single VP while in 2D

• right-click in your drawing area and select SELECT SIMILAR from the menu

• right-click again and select QUICK SELECT

• under the Properties list, find 'Length_String'

• Operator should be '=Equals'

• Value should be '0-0'

• 'How to apply' should be 'Include...'

• Click OK

The VPs with the 0-0 length will highlighted, fix as required

Updated: Aug. 11, 2023, 1:56 p.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight