Hydratec Inc.

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Revit Based Add-Ins (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: HydraCAD Function: Retrieve HydraCAD Revit MEP Content Error Type: Command Failure for External Command


Revit could not complete the external command... Revit encountered a Attempt to modify the model outside of transaction



Corrupt AutoCAD Drawing and / or a bad AutoCAD Template


Put drawing in a new template and Export using the HydraCAD Revit link from the new template.

  1.  In AutoCAD, place a system boundary around the pipe to be exported to Revit

  2. In AutoCAD, export the system boundary

  3. In AutoCAD, carefully follow these directions...

    ...Open a new HydraCAD Imperial Default template or HydraCAD Metric Default template


    Save the drawing. Use the Autocad command Classic Insert
  4. In AutoCAD, reconnect definition lines using the command HCAD_REGROUPDEFLINES
  5. In AutoCAD, run HydraCAD Revit link
  6. Lastly, in Revit, run Add-Ins > HydraCAD > Retrieve HydraCAD Revit MEP content

If this doesn't fix your issue, please contact support for further help at Support@HydraCAD.com

Updated: Feb. 17, 2025, 2:18 p.m. Created: Feb. 10, 2025, 2:46 p.m.