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AutoCAD Based Calculations (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Start Autocalcs Error Type: Unhandled Exception


After clicking the Start AutoCALCs (SAL command) button but BEFORE the AutoCALC Setup window, you get the error; 

Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.

The input string '1◆' was not in a correct format.





Likely due to inserting of another trade's drawing into your drawing.  Comment from an end-user who was able to resolve the issue; 

"...but I removed the background walls & structure and that seemed to solve the issue. Perhaps there was something corrupt in the walls & structure that I'd copied over.  I suppose this is a good reason to Xref in the backgrounds instead!"

-thanks Ben W!

Our afterthought is it's possible there were constraints in objects brought over.  See cause #2 for more information on constraints.


A pipe dimension with a question mark


2D METHOD (if you're in a 2D view)

Make your current layer a pipe layer (ie SPRKDAT2), then turn off all layers by typing AO<enter> at the command prompt.  Then go to the menu [HydraCAD|Piping] to turn on the piping layers only.

Type FIND at the command prompt, then enter a "?" in the 'Find What' box and have it list the results.

Double click each result in the list to zoom to the pipe, then update as necessary.

3D METHOD (if you're in a 3D view)

1. At the command prompt, type WMD(enter)

2. Click the option to UNCHECK ALL then select 'find pipes with no diameter'.  Set the direction to BOTH, then click PROCEED

Select a pipe on the far end of your system

3. Your connected pipe will turn blue and you'll look for yellow circles.  

4. Click EXIT on the System Model Walker window, then you can edit the diameter of the pipe by selecting it first, go to its PROPERTIES, then edit its diameter

Try to run your AutoCALC again after you've found and fixed the ? diameters.


Likely due to drawing two pipes on top of each other and one is sized and the other has a ? diameter


Turn off all layers then turn on piping layers, SPRKDAT1 to SPRKDAT4 and SPRKDATA & SPRKDATC.

Type the command OVERKILL, select your system, then in the dialog box, *uncheck the co-linear settings*

Then click OK. 

You will get a confirmation that objects were deleted.

1 duplicate(s) deleted

Erase any extra PIPEX blocks you have and resize the pipes if necessary.


Same as above, but overkill will not work on objects which have constraints on them.  You can tell if constraints are on the pipe by selecting them to expose the grips.  If you see glyphs or small white boxes on selected items when selected, this means they have constraints.

Constraints must be removed before OVERKILL will work


There is no reason why any piping should have constraints on them, and therefore they should be removed.  Isolate the piping layers using the method shown in Cause/Solution #2

Select your piping to expose the grips and their constraints

Type DELCON to delete the constraints, you'll get the message confirming how many were removed

Command: DELCON


All constraints will be removed from selected objects…164 found

33 constraint(s) removed

At this point you can retry the OVERKILL command

Updated: Feb. 28, 2025, 11:29 a.m. Created: Jan. 14, 2025, 10:31 a.m.