Hydratec Inc.

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Revit Based HydraCALC (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Hydraulic Calculations Function: Continue


Calc stops at Step 2.3 (Can also show Run-time error 62)



This error is caused by there being a disconnect in the model you selected somewhere.

All of the selected system piping does not connect to the supply point.


To find the source of the disconnect, or when a Calculation process will not work, do the following:

  1. Move the supply point to roughly half way between the current supply point and the operating sprinklers. And continue at step 2 until the cause of the error reveals itself or until the remaining options are so small that you can afford to simply wipe it out and redo that small section of the system.
  2. Start the Calculation Process again
  3. If that works – the problem is somewhere between the previous supply point location and the current supply point location.
    • So move the Supply Point to about half way between the previous location and the current location
    • Return to step 2
  4. If that does not work – the problem is somewhere between the current supply point location and the operating sprinklers.
    • So move the Supply Point to about half way between the current location and the operating sprinklers.
    • Return to step 2

    Once you find the area with the disconnect by seeing the calculation fail again, attempt to find the source of the disconnect and fix it.
    A useful too for this is to use the Walker, look for the pipes highlighted in blue and look for any gaps / unselected pipes.

    Updated: Dec. 6, 2024, 2:06 a.m. Created: April 17, 2023, 12:56 p.m.