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AutoCAD Based Couplings (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)
When running the Line Couplings command (LC), you get the error, "No branch lines found crossing the line(s) you picked", even though it's 100% a fact the lines are intersecting
Your branchlines may have Z coordinates on them
Check your branch lines and confirm they all have the value Z=0 and are drawn on the 'floor'.
There are possibly corrupt PDF underlay(s) in the drawing making the base points of ALL objects way out in 'left field'. This may be verified in one of two ways.
1. Draw a CIRCLE anywhere on your drawing then zoom out a little
2. Type the commands, Z <enter> O <enter> L <enter> <enter>
If the drawing zooms away from your circle, it means its base point is not at the circle.
1. Run the AUDIT command, answer Y to repair all errors, make a note of how many objects it repaired
2. Immediately run the AUDIT command again and see if it fixes the same number of errors it fixed in step 1. If yes, then the corrupt objects are not being repaired.
The commands PURGE, AUDIT, or RECOVER make no difference and the objects AcDbPdfReference are repaired, but shows up again on the next audit.
Unfortunately your best bet is to remove all the PDF underlays from the drawing.
1. Type QSELECT and press <enter>
2. Match the settings below, with importance on 'Object type = PDF Underlay' and 'Include in new selection set'
3. You should get a confirmation that objects have been selected
4. Press E <enter> to erase them
5. Run the AUDIT command and answer Y to fix errors
6. Save and close the drawing. Re-open the drawing and try the LC command again.