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Standalone HydraCALC (Location)
Trying to run a calculation, you get the error;
Could not Initiate Process called for by: (name of the problem file), ie. HydCalc.exe or Miscfunc.exe
Possible the calc engine application is being blocked by anti-virus or Windows User policies.
In Windows Explorer, go to the folder; C:\HES\HydraCALC\Ver50\Programs
Check to see if any application (.EXE) has an admin icon (yellow/blue shield) next to it.
If YES, right-click Hyd_prog.EXE and 'run as adminstrator', open a calc and run it through and Print Final. Once complete, close HydraCALC then re-open normally and try all the steps again. This should work.
Thanks Justin D!
HydraCalc v50 installed on something other than the C:\ drive causes the pipe/fittings table or pipe schedule or other utilities to not load.
In windows explorer, create an HES folder on the C:\ drive (just a folder, no files need to be in it) and the utilities will be able to be accessed.
Missing HydCalc.exe from the C:\HES\HydraCALC\Ver50\Programs folder
Confirm the file is there and/or other pertinent files.