Hydratec Inc.

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AutoCAD Based HydraCAD Residential (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Insert Head & Pipe References Function: Insert Head Error Type: Unhandled Exception


Unhandled exception: object was disassociated..... Autocad cannot continue - crashes Runtime Error-214........,



1. User did the following steps... - picked sprinkler, picked "Fitting+Drop Pipe+Female Adaptor"...picked the sprinkler again, changed the temperature rating, picked "Fitting+Drop Pipe+Female Adaptor" again....picked the sprinkler again, temperature rating and finish, upon Insert, Kaboom!


1. in a new template set the sprinkler up starting with the temperature rating, then the connection method, insert the sprinkler. This should fix the issue.

Updated: Sept. 15, 2022, 1:44 a.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight